Monday, February 6, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 6 February 2012

3D printer provides woman with a brand new jaw

Sculpting an entire replacement jawbone that's both fully functional and biocompatible is seen as a breakthrough for 3D printing

Patch of seagrass is world's oldest living organism

A 15-kilometre-long swathe of seagrass off the coast of Spain is at least 80,000 years old, making it the oldest known living organism on Earth

Robotic walking stick lends users some balance

Walking sticks are being dragged into the robotics era thanks to dynamic balancing, super-strong motors and power-punching batteries

Martian real estate, windy and cratered but isolated

Mars Express has returned images of the Red Planet's Syrtis Major region, an area once thought to be an ocean - but did oceans once exist on Mars?

Contador stripped of Tour de France title

Alberto Contador has been banned for 2 years and stripped of his Tour de France title after he tested positive for the banned stimulant clenbuterol in 2010

Are we merely the sum of our neurons?

In Connectome: How the brain's wiring makes us who we are, Sebastian Seung explores the mapping of our circuitry and how much it can tell us about ourselves

Pirate file-sharing goes 3D

3D file-sharing makes copying "physibles" possible. It'll give companies a headache - but could kick-start a 3D printing revolution

Doomsday flu decision time: The story so far

Bird flu research is on hold after the creation of dangerous viruses in the lab, and important studies will be only partly published. What's going on?

The revolution will be tweeted

Economic meltdown, pro-democracy revolts, protest camps - was it all really catalysed by social media and new technology? We ask BBC correspondent Paul Mason

Zap your brain into the zone: Fast track to pure focus

Whether you want to smash a forehand like Federer, or just be an Xbox hero, there is a shocking short cut to getting the brain of an expert, says Sally Adee

Digital landscapes depict humans' impact on the Arctic

Norwegian artist Svein Flygari Johansen uses computer programming alongside sticks and stones to explore the impact of human culture on Nordic landscapes

Clint Eastwood helps reveal secrets of brain evolution

Brain scans of humans and monkeys while they watched a cowboy movie show that areas that are functionally similar aren't always in the same place

Bendy battery gives smart fabrics a charge

A flexible battery that can be woven unobtrusively into fabrics could one day provide electricity for your gadgets

Silver packs a punch as chemotherapy drug

Compounds of silver are as effective against breast and colon cancer cells as a leading chemotherapy drug and may result in fewer side effects

Asteroid orbits modelled in a single atom

The model of atoms as mini solar systems was supplanted by quantum fuzziness - now atoms have been forced to act more like the classical systems

Astrophile: Pinball planets get wild, deadly ride

Planets orbiting one star in a stellar pair could get bounced from star to star repeatedly - until they fall into the great beyond

Anonymous eavesdrops on FBI conference call

The hacktivist group managed to a listen in on a call between the FBI and law enforcement officials from several different European countries


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