Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Supporter Rosia Montana: Let's Empower the ... - Society - EzineMark

I wrote an article asking the anti-RMGC some activists out of the scheme not to man. The article was written by the same positions with those criticized, basically: are anti-exploitation and are proud that remained a stronghold of anti-exploitation, particularly the articles by Michael Gotiu or Remus Cernea in a time when the rest media seem subject or consumed, or denied the right to a press advertising budgets totaled.
We received a replica (not a right of reply, attention) from Corina Vintan (we know of when we worked together to EVZ). A full restore and below them and respond to end. First CV:

Corina Vintan is CEO Links Associates, lobbying and strategic communications company that owns a portfolio of clients in mining, retail, real estate, petrochemicals, tobacco, insurance, media.

Before founding this company, Corina Vintan he was Director General for Communication and Public Diplomacy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Project Manager at the German Marshall Fund for the NATO Summit, Executive Director Day Event and PR Director at Saatchi & Saatchi.

Let's Empower the people!

Hello text and nuanced sense of my friend Costi Rogozanu on Rosia Montana, which, unlike many others, managed to look at the situation of people with glasses right there. However, even apart from our black and white approach to the Rosia Montana Voxpublica accustomed we are some points in the text Costi that I can not help but respond. I understand that opposition to the project has four sources: the average size of the project company's aggressive lobbying and fragility of Romanian institutions, economic policymakers lack of imagination and anticorporatismul generic Costi, which RMGC did not have as or particular victim.
To take turns.

Regarding the environment, I did not get into too many details and I'll say only this: as long as the company produced over 20,000 pages of environmental impact analysis - which shows that the operation will be to the highest standards and provides concrete security guarantees - and no one in Romania did not come with an alternative report serious, critical and so complex, until the final evaluation of the Ministry of Environment, speaking words and advance all sorts of speculation puzzling. Costi said that Romania, like many others, will fail to manage the post-operation. And here, as in many other important issues, notice fatalistic approach and full of complex condemn us to stagnation. Although we repeat every day masochistic that we are a second class country, which gives us the excuse for any failure, I think it's about time to become what we actually are - an EU country with an important population, resources and ability to assert - and we take responsibility to control large projects. And control comes not only from the authorities, but also from all of us.
The idea that the Romanian authorities have succumbed to lobbying company as a godly virgin, I think, the easiest to remove. Costi, this project is in Romania for 14 years! If Romanian authorities had been so poor as you say company pressure, this project was now in motion. On the other hand, you will agree with me, "solving" the lack of solutions, procedural delays or lifting the shoulders is not yet the way. Elsewhere not take 14 years to realize the obvious!
Then, if you believe that reopening the mine at Rosia Montana is just "a lottery type economic solution", then Romania would not be never to exploit resources to not be accused of lack of imagination. And in this register, although it is fashionable and politically correct is not enough in a world that promotes abstinence from resources and environmentalism the new religion, every country is entitled to decide on what to do with natural riches.
I fear that the approach undertaken by Costi anticorporatist betrays somewhat black and white opponents who speak of the Rosia Montana. Yes, a corporation which is a lot like a committed leftist like Costi - hierarchy, domination, power - but it means a lot of things without which a complex society can not exist: procedures, rules, responsibility, prosperity, welfare. But I'm glad that finally, an opponent of the project has the courage to recognize that in Romanian civil society all these years was not able to produce an alternative to the mine. Suggestions elite of tourism, ballpoint pen come from a comfortable office of charitable funds paid from international philanthropists who have won money in mining and industry, and permanent emotional reactivity purely civil society can not qualify for the status of alternative solutions.
Costi is right when he says that man, that concrete people, become (s) becoming more offline, including speeches (abstracte!) environmental and heritage protection. To reinstate concrete people downtown, not to think or to decide in November which would be better for them, but to let them do it themselves, that is to give the superior attitude, the complacency with which we believe the Bucharest, we know more than you really need people from Rosia Montana, suspecting his sight can not judge their heads are true interests of the short, medium or long. Speaking of the fate of concrete people - in place which could be each of us - even to him and let it decide for yourself! Moreover, this "proceduralizare" would be a way to transform an otherwise interminable dispute by transferring decision on those directly targeted.

So, "Empower the People"!

And some answers

First, my stingismul are not necessarily assumed a position of common sense. Everyone says "leftist" when I say two or three things trivial and non-ideological. Not worn the label, use it even when they are "leftist". It was not the case here. Then:
not part of those who condemn defeatist Romania, the country second hand, even speech that we have charged thousands of times. Instead, I think they treated her like a second hand country who have so far managed natural resources (oil or gas, whether it was the various government leadership, whether it was private companies).
Romania proved here a weak state. The fact that so far has resisted gold mining lobby does not make a strong state. Until you, supporters of exploitation, know that without opposition NGOs, no opposition of academics, civil society without resistance or politicians, Romania would have signed a contract with the team's disastrous Timis (now 15 years began an aggressive lobbying and disaster including you). The state would have to make the statue of activists, and if you do not get how they will get very far because of them.
I do not understand the "people" who understand you. You simply say that people can decide their destiny. But I see how people are so desperate that it would do anything for a job of any kind. I think if I give notice to "hire killer" I receive dozens of resumes. There is concern, is that citizens vulnerabilizarea vulnerabilizare led to a decision.
then, Corina, remember that many anti-mining activists are not paid to believe in what I believe. That should be respected more.
environmental problem. Not part of 'green' and that environmentalism has seen some strange perversion CSR you lately. In the case of Rosia Montana, as for future shale gas exploitation scandal, become the defender of the environment willy-unwilling - aggression is too high. And just because you do not want a Romania colonial urge treated sometimes counter decisions now and not just "ba, gold is expensive, let it out".
My anti-corporatism is a pretty clear, precise points of attack, not only anticorporatism hysterical (and I only worked a few mini-corporations in my life). One of them is the attitude of "give you job, day thanks". Put in your language: pay taxes to the state, say thanks. And RMGC, and the Roman state brought some people in situation of utter lack of options. For some there there or exploitation (possibly disaster control) or immediate social disaster. It deplored, and that comes from deep causes that it is pointless to discuss them here.
under these conditions, "Empower the people!" yours is a cynic. Choose to put some people a long time have no choice?
Thanks for the text, I hope to talk sense to our readers and hope RMGC dialogue with people who work for them sometimes to go from the "Huo, vindutule, Huo, ecologistule". At least sometimes.


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