Friday, November 11, 2011

Police: Turmoil again hits north Nigeria town (AP)

LAGOS, Nigeria ? Police say turmoil has hit a town in north central Nigeria again just days after riots broke out in the area, which is beset by religious tensions.

Kaduna state police chief Bala Nasarawa told The Associated Press on Wednesday that a curfew has been imposed in the town of Kafanchan and surrounding areas.

Bala Nasarawa said he had received reports that people had been protesting, but that the situation was now stable.

The violence comes days after the killing of two women in a church of a nearby town spurred riots.

At least 500 people died in the area at the hands of Muslim rioters or Christians carrying out reprisal attacks after April polls led to the election of President Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian southerner.

The volatile region sits on the dividing line between Nigeria's predominantly Christian south and Muslim north.


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