Sunday, October 9, 2011

Marijuana Compound Kills Brain Tumors in Humans ? Health Tips The endocannabinoid system in our bodies regulate our cancer defense ? so it makes sense that cannabis works effectively in this area, and the science backs that up. For those who dispute the fact that cannabis can cure cancer, I would like to refer you to numerous studies (since 1974!) that show that cannabinoids kills cancer cells, shrink tumors, halts the spread of invasive carcinomas, and prevents occurrence. I don?t know if you have the energy or the interest to follow up these links, but if you do value truth over hearsay and propaganda, then I would suggest you look at them. First you have to ask yourself: why don?t you know about this? (Then you should get really, really angry). Original Univ of Va study showing that THC halts lewis lung adenocarcinoma: London study showing THC causes kills leukemia cells. University of Texas study showing the CB1 receptor (which is activated by cannabis) suppresses colorectal cancer tumor, when the receptor is lost cancer can occur. Univ of Southern Florida study showing that cannabis blocks cancer causing viruses: Harvard study showing cannabis cuts lung cancer growth in half: The British Journal of Cancer reports that cannabis treats prostate cancer Researchers at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute found that cannabis halts breast cancer. A ?
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Madrid, Spain: Compounds in marijuana inhibit malignant brain tumor growth in animals, and may provide a potential therapy for human glioma patients, according to a clinical review appearing in the September issue of Neuropharmacology. ?Current therapeutic strategies for the treatment of [gliomas] are usually ineffective or just palliative,? researchers from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Madrid?s Complutense University wrote. ?During the last few years, several studies have shown that cannabinoids ? slow the growth of different types of tumours, including gliomas, in laboratory animals. Cannabinoids induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) of glioma cells [in vitro.] In addition, cannabinoid treatment inhibits angiogenesis (growth) of gliomas in vivo. Remarkably, cannabinoids kill glioma cells selectively and can protect non-transformed glial cells from death. These and other findings reviewed here might set the basis for a potential use of cannabinoids in the management of gliomas.? Last year, a clinical review in the journal Nature Reviews Cancer made similar recommendations, noting that cannabinoids possess a ?favorable drug safety profile? and have shown in clinical trials to inhibit various forms of cancerous tumors, including gliomas, lung carcinoma, breast cancer, skin cancer, thyroid cancer, lymphoma, and prostate cancer. For more information, please contact Paul Armentano, NORML Senior Policy Analyst, at (202) 483-5500. Abstracts of ?
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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