Friday, December 23, 2011

Obama Administration Approves New Renewable Energy Products (ContributorNetwork)

In what Interior Secretary Ken Salazar calls "nothing short of a renewable energy revolution," the Obama administration approved two more renewable energy projects, the Associated Press stated. Here are the details:

* Approved on Dec. 20 were a 300-megawatt solar farm on public land southwest of Phoenix and a 200-megawatt wind farm east of San Diego. These are the 24th ad 25th renewable energy projects approved on public lands in the past two years, the AP reported.

* The Sonoran Solar Energy Project includes up to 3,700 acres of Bureau of Land Management managed land near Buckeye, Ariz. Developed by a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources, it will generate enough electricity to power about 90,000 homes.

* According to San Diego-based KPBS, the Tule Wind Project in southeastern San Diego County, about 70 miles east of San Diego, will produce 186 megawatts of electricity -- enough to power 65,000 homes -- using 62 wind turbines. Project developer Iberdrola Renewables plans to increase that amount to 200 megawatts. The project still needs to gain approval from the California Public Utilities Commission, Bureau of Indian Affairs, California State Lands Commission and the County of San Diego. It is expected to create 337 jobs during construction.

* According to a late November news release, the Bureau of Land Management will be giving priority status to 17 renewable energy projects in 2012 as "part of the administration's efforts to diversify the nation's energy portfolio." Solar projects include five in California, three in Nevada and another in Arizona. Wind projects to be given priority status in 2012 include one each in Arizona, California and Nevada, along with three in Wyoming. The BLM has also prioritized two geothermal energy projects in California and Nevada.

* In 2010, Salazar and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu announced an environmental analysis of a proposed 677,400 acres of public lands in six Western states available as solar energy zones and appropriate for solar energy development.


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