Monday, September 12, 2011

Health, Wellness and Fitness Professionals: Read The China Study ...

Tracy Handzel

What is the China Study?

The China study was published in 2006 and has made the NY Times Best Sellers List multiple times.? As it?s title implies, it?s summarizes the results of a long term and extensive nutrition study done in China, investigating the relationship between diet and disease.

This is not a celebrity diet book or an off the wall weight loss plan created from mother-in-law research or self observation. ?The China Study, through data obtained directly from the author?s research as well citations of more than 700 other studies, shows with empirical support that diet and disease are related and a plant based diet encourages greater overall health and reduces the risk of many of our countries most prevalent diseases.

Get with the program

Health, wellness and fitness professionals are behind the times in receiving and providing, appropriate and correct nutritional information to their clients, members and patients. ?The focus tends to be on individual nutrients and their role in our diets as if they worked independently.? Professionals tend to over focus on the amounts of particular macro-nutrients required by all individuals in any given meal as well.? ??To make matters worse, nutritional information available to most is brought to us by the government (think food pyramid ,? food industry organizations (National Dairy Council, National Pork Board, Cattleman?s Beef Board) and food manufacturers (Dean Foods, Con-Agra etc.), all of whom have vested interests in how we spend our food dollars, making ?the information they present more ?beneficial to their wallets and less to our health.

The Future of Nutrition

No one will argue that the health of US citizens is at a critical low point.? Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancers and autoimmune diseases are threatening to cut short the lives of a large number of people in this country.? And while modern medicine continues to focus on reducing the symptoms of these diseases, they are not going away.? Instead ?health care costs are skyrocketing and disease rates increase. ??The China Study shows with scientific evidence, that such diseases can be prevented and treated, through the adoption of a plant based diet complimented with exercise.

By making the majority of the food on ones plate of plant origin and cooking it in ways that do not add animal fat, studies show that overall health improves, diseases can be brought under control and in many cases medications prescribed for those diseases can be eliminated all together. ?Plant based eating is an extremely simple concept that does not require carb or calorie counting, supplements, or tricky food combinations.? ??Perhaps it is this simplicity that keeps many professionals from broadcasting the benefits of such a lifestyle of eating.

The benefits trump the challenges

This is not to deny the fact that eliminating animal products can be a challenge for many.? ?Often any change is lifestyle can be a struggle. ?However the rewards are so great that is seems that passing along the significant findings of this book could be life changing for some. ??The ability to eliminate medication, lose significant amounts of weight and reduce the likelihood of future serious diseases would motivate many to change their diets and other lifestyle habits. ??And it is the professionals in the health, fitness and wellness fields that can provide both the education and motivation to do just that. Read the China Study.? You could change the lives of many of the people who are dying to become healthier.


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