Friday, September 30, 2011

Shutdown averted, but deep differences linger (AP)

WASHINGTON ? It's the third time this year a government budget crisis has been averted just in the nick of time. And the public seems plain fed up with the nonstop partisanship that led to the nerve-racking close calls.

Rising public disgust turns up in poll after poll showing Congress' approval ratings have sunk far lower than those of President Barack Obama, whose own numbers have been weighed down by the teetering economy and dour employment numbers.

Yet the political grandstanding is likely to continue, even grow.

Because at the heart of every major standoff this year is a deep philosophical disagreement between the parties on the size and role of government. It encompasses sharp disagreements on spending cuts and taxes, and on whether deficit reduction or more spending to prod a flailing recovery is a higher priority. And these are arguments sure to reverberate more loudly as the presidential election nears.

"I think this thing continues until next November's election," said James Thurber, a political scientist at American University. "With the campaign started, it's very hard to stop it."

As to the current state of political polarization, Thurber said: "There are very few people in the middle who are moderate and who can bring about compromises. And that creates an environment where you have this crisis approach to even fairly small issues."

Some 82 percent of Americans disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job, according to a Gallup poll released this week. It also shows record or near-record criticism of elected officials in general, government handling of domestic problems, the scope of government power and government waste of money.

The poll results may reflect the shared political power arrangement, with Democrats controlling the White House and the Senate and Republicans controlling the House. "Partisans on both sides can thus find fault with government without necessarily blaming their own party," said Lydia Saad, senior Gallup poll editor.

A budget deadlock that raised the risk of a government shutdown this weekend was apparently broken as the Senate approved a short-term measure to fund the government through Nov. 18, and the House was expected to follow suit.

But it will only get harder from now on.

The most recent fight had been over a relatively small amount of emergency disaster aid money and whether it should be offset ? as tea-party influenced House Republicans want ? by corresponding cuts in other programs. In November, the entire budget for the budget year getting under way Oct. 1 will be under review. The stakes will be huge.

Also, the budget talks seem certain to be complicated by the shape of any proposal put on the table by a 12-member bipartisan supercommittee, which faces a Nov. 23 deadline for coming up with $1.5 trillion in deficit-reduction measures to take effect in 2013.

Both sides have dug in their heels. Obama's speeches have taken on more partisan, combative tones in recent weeks. And he has proposed a jobs stimulus program that would be paid for, in part, by raising taxes on the wealthy.

Obama includes the whole GOP field of presidential aspirants in addition to directly criticizing GOP congressional leaders. "I urge all of you to watch some of these Republican debates. It's a different vision about who we are, who we stand for," he said earlier this week during a fundraising tour of Western states.

At the same time, House Speaker John Boehner has flatly declared tax increases "off the table."

Members of Congress have seen their standing tumble in the eyes of the public after their squabbling brought the government to near calamity three times since April.

Then, Boehner and Obama reached a budget deal little more than an hour before a government shutdown was to begin. On Aug. 2, Congress agreed to legislation raising the government's debt ceiling ? its borrowing authority ? just hours before Treasury was to run out of cash to pay all its bills, raising the risk of default.

The government continued to operate, but the squabbling cost the U.S. a downgrade in its credit rating anyway from Standard & Poor's a few days later.

The rating service removed for the first time the triple-A rating the U.S. had held for 70 years. Among other things, it blamed the weakened "effectiveness, stability and predictability" of U.S. policymaking and political institutions at a time of rising economic challenges.

In an Associated Press-GFK poll last month, some 53 percent of all of those surveyed said they would like to see someone else win their congressional district.

The poll found that 46 percent approve of how Obama is doing his job, down from 52 percent in June. But it also showed congressional approval at a new low, 12 percent, with disapproval at 87 percent, a new high.

The core philosophical dispute that has been at the heart of every major domestic-policy standoff this year is the GOP insistence that reducing the deficit is the priority and that it must be done with spending cuts alone, not tax increases. Democrats want shorter-term spending to prop up the sagging recovery combined with a mix of longer-term tax increases and spending cuts to trim deficits.

It's not only divided the two parties in Washington, "it pretty much splits the country in half," said Michael Dimock, associate research director at the Pew Research Center. He said that when people were asked "what should be the priority, reducing the budget deficit or spending to help the economy to recover," Americans were nearly evenly divided with just under 50 percent on each side.

At the same time, "there's a great deal of frustration in the public right now, and it's crossing party lines. There's a sense that neither side is really working toward solving the country's problems but trying to win some kind of political game," Dimock said. "I think it's probably affecting both political parties."


Associated Press Deputy Director of Polling Jennifer Agiesta contributed to this report.


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10 Free Programs You Should Download to Protect Yourself From ...

For this article, I decided to create a list of 10 free programs you can download to keep your computer secure. This list of programs will help you protect your computer from Viruses, Spyware, and hackers. All of the programs listed here are highly recommended, and like I said, all have a free version available.

I should note though that many websites that carry articles do not allow more then a couple links in the main body of the article. Because of this, I am unable to include download links for each program. However, if you do a search for them on Google, you can find where to download them. Alternatively, you can visit my website where I have uploaded this article and included links inside the article to download each program. The web address is listed in my author info.

Anyway, let?s get to the list of 10 programs you should download to protect yourself from Spyware and Computer Viruses and keep your computer safe.


Ad-Aware is one of the oldest Anti-Spyware programs available and also one of the best. Ad-Aware has been around for over ten years now. Over the ten years, Ad-Aware has been a top notch program and it doesn?t look to be changing anytime soon. If you do not have Ad-Aware protecting your system, then I highly recommend you download it right now.

AVG Anti-virus

With McAfee and Norton on the market, many people are under the impression that you will have to pay money for virus protection. This is wrong! There are free anti-virus solutions available and AVG is one of the best. AVG has all of the usual features and it?s highly recommended that you download AVG Anti-Virus if you don?t already have a virus scanner.

Hijack This!

Hijack This! can be a great program for helping you get rid of some tricky Spyware. Beware though, you really need to know what you are doing when you are using Hijack This!. Hijack This! isn?t for beginners. However, it?s worth downloading and keeping around so if you ever do have a tricky spyware problem, an expert online can help you use Hijack This! to get rid of it. Because honestly, most experts online are going to ask you to download Hijack This!.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is newer then some of the other anti-Spyware products, but don?t let that discourage you. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a great tool for protecting yourself against spyware. Like Ad-Aware, it can do a complete scan of your computer and most spyware problems you are having you can say goodbye to thanks to this program.

Spybot Search & Destroy

Spybot Search & Destroy reminds me of Ad-Aware, it has been around a long time and has stood the test of time. Spybot Search & Destroy may not be as pretty as some of the other anti-spyware programs, but that?s okay because Spybot Search & Destroy means business. Spybot Search & Destroy should have all of the tools you need to protect you from Spyware even if you don?t download any other program listed here.


What can I say about SpywareBlaster? SpywareBlaster is a really cool program. SpywareBlaster isn?t a scanner, instead, it?s purpose is to prevent Spyware from getting onto your system in the first place. SpywareBlaster has a database of thousands of harmful Active X Plug-ins that it blocks. Just download SpywareBlaster, install it, click to enable the protection, and that?s it. SpywareBlaster doesn?t even need to be running all the time. A very useful program that should be included in your list of programs you use to protect your computer.


SpywareGuard is simlar to SpywareBlaster, it tries to prevent Spyware from getting onto your system. However, SpywareGuard works in a different way. SpywareGuard works by monitoring your computer for typical Spyware-like behavior. If SpywareGuard spots anything, it will alert you. The downside to this is that you need to keep SpywareGuard open for it to work. On the plus side though, it means SpywareGuard doesn?t need to be constantly updated, since it doesn?t rely on definition files.

Startup Inspector

Startup Inspector is a program used for monitoring and disabling items that run when you turn on the computer. So how does that relate to this list? Well Startup Inspector can really be handy in fighting Spyware because a lot of Spyware programs will be set to run when you turn on the computer. Before you turn off the computer each night, take a quick look at Startup Inspector and see what is set to run when you turn on the computer next time. See anything suspicious? If so, go ahead and run a scan with another program listed here. But remember, you first noticed something suspicious thanks to Startup Inspector. This is why I included it in this list. :)

Update Windows

Okay, guess what? I lied. This isn?t even a software program. Regardless though, this has to be included in this list. One of the biggest ways your computer can be attacked is through security holes that were left open from not updating your operating system. Do your computer a favor and go online to WindowsUpdate and update your computer right away.


Finally, we come to ZoneAlarm. ZoneAlarm is a firewall and will monitor all ingoing and outgoing connections on your computer. This is very useful for keeping your computer safe, because Zonealarm will block unauthorized connections to your computer. Basically, ZoneAlarm stops hackers. Great software!

In all honesty, if you don?t want to try all of these programs, even just download one or two. Having one or two of these can still make a big difference with your computer. It can be scary with so much Spyware and Viruses on the internet. But now, you have the information you need to stay protected. Good luck


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Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Santa Barbara Independent Moneyball

Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, and Philip Seymour Hoffman star in a film written by Aaron Sorkin and Steven Zaillian, based on the book by Michael Lewis, and directed by Bennett?Miller.

As baseball movies go, Moneyball plays ball in a refreshing, behind-the-scenes way, befitting its underlying theme of American maverick thinking. The story follows Oakland A?s general manager Billy Beane and his radical new concept for creating a winning team in the early ?00s, an era when money had nearly spoiled the game. Working with a limited budget, Beane enlisted the help of a Yale economics student to let stats and computer savvy build a winning team, and the experiment nearly worked?wonders.

Beane, played here by Brad Pitt, is the archetype of the outside-the-box American hero, working around a systemic problem by breaking and remaking the rules, bucking the system with an ?adapt or die? philosophy. To its credit, the film tells an industry-modeled story in a vivid way, accentuating the idea that the sports biz ? and business in general ? can have dramatic arcs similar to the sporting life. Along the way, we get flashback and sideline glimpses into Beane?s own past as both a would-be baseball star and as a divorced family man whose relationship with his young daughter guides him almost as much as his obsessive, occupational drive to?win.

As an actor, Pitt has a higher batting average this time around, by his usual low standards, but seems to have spent considerable time studying the affect and mannerisms of Robert Redford, whom he uncannily mimics here. Jonah Hill moves nicely beyond and above his usual sex-and-hedonist shtick, and Philip Seymour Hoffman plays against his typical offbeat type, as the gruff, crew-cut coifed, and individualistic A?s coach who repeatedly comes head-to-head with the formula-bending?manager.

By the time Moneyball does get to the meat of the on-field action, deep into the story, things start going haywire, continuity- and style-wise. We?re drawn into sports sequences both adrenaline-manipulative and dreamy-glazed, tapping into the ?baseball as Zen exercise? dynamics of The Natural and Field of Dreams. Suddenly, the naturalistic leanings of much of the film are counteracted by the shift of tone and texture, and we?re left with a strangely mutant beast of a cinema?piece.

Ultimately, Moneyball?s most exciting ?sports? scene depicts Beane and his ally in the A?s office, craftily working the phones in a sneaky play to maneuver a mid-season trading of players. In baseball as in life, there are many ways of winning, on and off the field as we know?it.

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Resisting peer pressure: Why adolescents respond differently to peer influence

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2011) ? The company an adolescent keeps affects his or her behavior -- particularly when these friends engage in illicit activities and are indifferent to education -- right?

Well, that all depends, according to a new Northwestern University study, "Being in 'Bad' Company: Power Dependence and Status in Adolescent Susceptibility to Peer Influence," which appears in the September issue of Social Psychology Quarterly.

The research, conducted in a primarily Hispanic, low-income neighborhood, looked at academically diverse groups of friends that included both high- and low-achieving young adults.

According to the study, some adolescents in the mixed groups were insulated from the influence of their more self destructive peers. "Opposite to what a lot of researchers think would happen, some kids in the groups, for example, neglected or didn't even care about school, while others were dedicated students," said Robert Vargas, a doctoral student in sociology at Northwestern and author of the study.

Interestingly, Vargas found that adolescents could also be insulated from the positive influence of their peers.

Adolescents in his study were insulated if they had characteristics that their friends respected (e.g., close friendships with members of the opposite sex) or had something that their friends needed (e.g., a car).

Among those adolescents who were negatively influenced by peers, neighborhood violence and territorial boundaries were likely to be part of the dynamics contributing to their bad behavior, Vargas said.

"It wasn't that these kids thought the bad behavior was 'cool,' but rather neighborhood violence constrained their friendship choices," he said.

In the neighborhood where Vargas conducted his research, the territorial border of the major gangs in the neighborhood made it difficult for kids to walk to a friend's house who lived on "the other side" of the neighborhood.

"The young gang members in the neighborhood were very territorial and would attack young people perceived to be in the rival gang when they crossed the border," he said. "Those fearful of being caught in the crossfire tended to avoid crossing the gang boundary, greatly restricting access to certain, possibly more positive, friends."

Young adults from such neighborhoods often don't have the power to find other friends or leave their friendship groups to avoid negative peer pressure. "The effects of neighborhood violence and fears of crossing gang boundaries influences these young people to hang out with people they otherwise would avoid," Vargas said.

In terms of policy implications, Vargas said, "The study demonstrates the need for policymakers and educators to move beyond public campaigns that convey to adolescents that undesirable acts are 'not cool,' and consider factors that make adolescents dependent on friends or adults. As adolescents were influenced by individuals they depended on most, policymakers and educators should consider trying to make young people more dependent on positive role models by, for example, requiring community service hours."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by American Sociological Association, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Journal Reference:

  1. R. Vargas. Being in "Bad" Company: Power Dependence and Status in Adolescent Susceptibility to Peer Influence. Social Psychology Quarterly, 2011; 74 (3): 310 DOI: 10.1177/0190272511414546

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Criminal Investigation Schools Can Teach You to Solve Crimes

Criminal Investigation Schools offer programs of study in preparation for serving in many areas of criminal law. Investigative programs present students with the foundations, knowledge and skills necessary for practical and scientific evidence in criminal cases. Investigators should be able to think logically and have excellent problem solvers.Criminal Criminal Investigation Schools teach basic skills and criminal investigation. Investigation training programs in the basic fundamentals of criminology, legal procedures, criminal evidence and criminal law.

Investigation requires sharp skills for conducting interviews, case studies and materials to follow through with arrests and convictions of crime suspects.Criminal Investigation Schools students can learn to anticipate the limits of the offense and look for offense to be declared based on specific principles, using scientific methods. Criminal Investigation Schools teach skills of finding, storing, analyzing and presenting evidence.Criminal Investigation is a Master of Science (MS) degree requiring advanced courses in the study of crime, criminals, penal systems and computer forensics.

Students in the School of Criminal Investigation programs are generally required to have a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Criminal Justice.Forensics have been an area of ??criminal law that focuses on the application of scientific methods to solve legal problems . The specialized Master of Forensic Sciences (MFS) degree prepares for areas of law enforcement, laboratory personnel, lawyers, researchers, and other professional programs positions.Graduates of Criminal Investigation crime lab work as assistants, supporting personnel, crime photographers, real estate specialists, fingerprint specialists, medical research scientists, and forensic science specialists.

Professionals in the field of criminal investigation skills have developed to describe research, making the consequences of death, identifying the manner of death, estimate the time of death, and the determination of human identification. Graduates may explain the methods and procedures used by the forensic laboratories, identification and characterization of DNA, associate a person, place or item with a crime, and much more.Criminal research can include research backgrounds of the offenders to justice, writing reports, and making sentencing recommendations to the judge after reviewing recommendations with offenders and their families.

Investigation officers often report their finding as evidence in the Criminal courtrooms.Graduates programs will be qualified to local, state and federal law enforcement career to pursue. The profit of the detectives and investigators can begin around $ 50,000 if you're interested in learning more about Detective Schools and other types of schools, please "to examine" our website for more information and resources DISCLAIMER:.! Above is a general overview and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and / or services in connection with any particular school (s) who may or may not be advertised on SchoolsGalore.

com.Copyright 2006 ? All Rights Reserved Michael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. SchoolsGalore.comNotice to Publishers: Please feel free to use this article in your ezine or on your website but all links must remain intact and active.Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications , Inc. in association with Search schools, colleges, universities, high schools and online courses; meets your needs as your educational resources to schools to find.


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Which are the Different Slow cooker chicken Tested recipes? | My ...

Slow cooker or crockpot is good for cooking hard meat including fowl or perhaps meats. This cooking food equipment operates by conditioning the connective tissues of such beef; therefore, it really is quicker to eat this beef as soon as it is sensitive as well as tender. Moreover, the slow cooker holds the natural taste with the beef. Addititionally there is an even submitting of the preference plus the beef absorbs far better the actual seasoning. Consequently, your meal gets rich in flavour along with odor.

Not counting the influence on a food?s style, slowly cookers will also be simple to use. You are able to let it rest unattended when you carry out a person?s various other work. A lot of slow cooker tasty recipes take regarding A few to eight time cooking; consequently, you can only assemble the crockpot throughout very low setting as well as allow it to needlessly take care of your preparing food.

If you are searching for nice crockpot quality recipes, here are some ideas on ideal for make. These chicken recipes are fantastic for every day food and an important day or perhaps party.

Arroz Fraud Pollo
This specific Spanish language bowl carries with it an delightful preference this any individual will enjoy. This particular recipe is often a combination of grain (arroz) along with poultry (pollo). The ideal mixture of seasonings allows this specific fowl plate of which high sodium, sweet and also a bit spicy taste. Furthermore, this kind of recipke comes with several nutrition including sugars, aminoacids, fat and several nutritional vitamins.

Arroz scam pollo is good as a major training for supper or even for dining. This specific plate is often a large food, rendering it excellent for people with a big cravings. You are able to assist that with many fruits or maybe a sweet a treat to try and do the dinner.

This specific food pertaining to slow cooker will take pertaining to Several in order to On the lookout for several hours cooking in minimal setting; even so, additionally you can make meals it for Three or four working hours about higher setting.

Broccoli in addition to Rooster
Listed here is a truly nourishing recipe ingredients intended for poultry. Broccoli features anti-oxidants who have very good outcomes to the skin and the cells from the human body. Also, it is actually abundant in necessary health supplements that ensure all around health. Hence, get ready to experience some sort of scrumptious food that comes with so many health improvements.

You possibly can serve this kind of meal by using steamed grain or maybe a variety of fruits regarding sweet. Broccoli along with chicken come up with a terrific viand for lunch and also supper. The plate does not employ an excessive amount of spices (only salt and pepper to help taste), therefore it is possible to joy for the natural goodness in the various meats as well as plant.

As soon as baking, it is best to put the poultry very first within the crockpot, because it can take longer in order to smoke. After it is already soft, you might add in the spinach. On excessive location, the actual dish at home cooks for 6 to 8 several hours. Conversely, higher environment will make it prepare food speedier, which happens to be for less than 3 or 4 several hours.

Thats it, a number of the cake recipes that you could prepare with a slow cooker. You?ll find simple to use setting up along with preparing all these recipes; you only must have every one of the important materials to help you to make a dish accomplished beautifully. Test most of these now as well as enlighten your friends and family with your dishes.
Chicken Enchilada RecipeChicken Enchilada Recipe

For additional info on food along with recipes, please go to: Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes and Slow Cooker Chicken at


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Special Education Needs Causing Financial Crisis in California ...

Now, I am all for unique education for youngsters with disabilities. I attended school at a time when such children had been either put into ?special? schools or thrown in with the general student population to sink or swim on their own. It was a terrible inequity. It finally was addressed in the 1970s with a law designed to correct such discrimination by giving these children the civil right to an equal chance to learn. The law covered youngsters from birth to age 22, guaranteeing them the appropriate to a totally free and ?appropriate? public education. It is the ambiguous word ?appropriate? written into the law that is creating a crisis for the California schools, according to Nanette Asimov, staff writer for the San Francisco Chronicle.

The article cited a situation of one California schools child with a disability. The assigned public middle school provided special college prep classes, every day support from a unique education expert, a laptop computer, additional time for tests, the opportunity to temporarily leave class if the child?s had an anxiety attack, and a unique advocate to smooth over any issues with teachers.

The parents hired a special consultant instead, who found option schooling opportunities ? all had been private schools and all were out-of-state. They settled on a boarding school in Maine, outside the major city, that had one-tenth of the enrollment of the California schools. The one factor this school did not give was a unique education program. The mother said that smaller classrooms and a smaller campus were far more crucial than a special education program. Since the possibility of anxiety attacks was mentioned in the article, no 1 can really judge the merit of this scenario except the child?s physician and/or psychologist.

After the child was placed into the private school, the parents then hired an attorney, who specializes in special education cases, to file papers with the court demanding the California schools pay four years of tuition and family travel costs between California and Maine. Tuition was ,000 annually. The California schools met the demands.

This is only one such case in the California schools, which may or may possibly not have been justified. The difficulty is that it is not the only case. In 2005, there had been three,763 California schools kids with disabilities that were the focus of formal complaints ? the vast majority of which came from parents. This is triple the number of only ten years ago, and the numbers are growing.

With a cost of nearly ,000 to go to a court hearing and the possibility of an pricey judgment, the California schools attempt to settle cases before they get that far. In 2005, ten percent of the California schools? instances went to a full hearing ? 386 in all. The remaining 90 percent had been resolved by means of confidential settlements. With 700,000 unique needs students presently in the California schools and already paying hundreds of thousands of dollars every year for private placements, the school system is headed for a financial crisis.

In 2004, the California schools received .1 billion for unique education from the government and local sources. It was still not sufficient to pay these additional settlement costs, and the California schools had to take .6 billion from the typical class budget. Twenty-eight percent of the special education expenditures that year came from the standard education spending budget.

California schools educators complain that parents who are able to afford an attorney are assured far more opportunities for their youngsters than those who can?t afford to do so, creating an inequity between the haves and have-nots. Additionally, special education teachers see advantages to special programs, such as horseback riding therapy, but acknowledge that such parent demands are not education related. California schools parents and educators are at odds.

Parents are making tuition payment demands of the California schools for such programs as private day schools, boarding schools, summer camps, horseback riding therapy, and aqua therapy. Additionally, the California schools are expected to pay for computers, airfare, car rental, hotel stays, meals, new clothing and tailoring for the youngsters, cell phone calls, stamps, gas and tolls, and future round-trip visits from time of enrollment until the youngsters graduate from high school.

In all, the California schools are paying billions of dollars every year for private placements and auxiliary costs. It is creating an inequity for children the civil rights law was passed to protect and a financial crisis for the California schools.

I have to admit that I wanted every single chance achievable for my child to live a happy and regular adult life. I had a special requirements child and spent many hours sitting in principals? offices and at the school board demanding that his wants be met. I was thankful that he received access to the offered offerings within the public school system.

In my view, nevertheless, it is not a question of right or wrong, justified expenditure or not. It is a question of the legislators going back and particularly defining the word ?appropriate?. Until then, the California schools are borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, which means much less opportunities all the way around.

For a lot more details please visit California School Report Cards and Private School Ratings in California


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Maryfi is a Free Software Router for Windows 7 [Windows Downloads]

Maryfi is a Free Software Router for Windows 7Windows: Remember Microsoft's Virtual Wi-Fi project for Windows 7? Well the project is officially dead, but the source code is still available, and free application Maryfi takes advantage of this to provide a software router that can share single-serve Wi-Fi networks such as those used at airports, hotels, etc.

Tethering and mobile hotspots such as Verizon's MiFi or T-Mobile's HotSpot are great if you're a frequent traveler or if your company is footing the bill. I travel to one or two conventions a year and usually tether to my phone's connection for Wi-Fi, but I didn't get a very good connection on the 37th floor and had to pony up for $15 for one day of unlimited Wi-Fi. Even worse was that the two friends I shared the room with used my laptop when they needed to check their email. If I had Maryfi, I could have just shared my hotel connection with everyone in the room.

Maryfi can share any type of internet connection on the host computer; other Wi-Fi enabled devices can see and join the Maryfi hotspot which can be secured with WPA2 encryption. Another use is to setup Maryfi as a repeater for your home router?this can help you stretch connectivity to a device just outside your current Wi-Fi range.

Maryfi is a free ad-supported program for Windows 7 available from the developer link below.

Maryfi - Start Your Own Wi-Fi Hotspot | via MakeUseOf


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Monday, September 26, 2011

Debt Consolidation Alternatives For Worried Borrowers | Get Rid Of ...

As people from all over the world examine their financial situations, they find that they owe more than they can pay. Because credit cards have such high interest rates, borrowers can barely handle the minimum payment, much less make progress toward paying what they owe. Fortunately, there are many debt consolidation solutions which allow borrowers to finance debt at lower interest rates, consolidating high-interest balances into one easier, cheaper package.

Borrowers who consolidate their debts make progress, and find convenience. Because payments from multiple creditors are grouped together, under a low interest rate, borrowers will pay down their principal, instead of hacking away at interest only. Additionally, instead of sending multiple payments to multiple creditors, borrowers will make one single monthly payment.

One option is to tap home equity. Borrowers may choose either a HELOC (home equity line of credit) or a home equity loan. A HELOC is a credit line, which allows borrowers to cash out their equity to pay off higher-interest debts. A home equity loan, on the other hand, gives the borrowers a lump sum payout, which may be used to pay off debts. Both options tend to have better interest rates than credit cards, but failure to make payments on a HELOC or home equity loan may place borrowers in danger of losing their homes.

Borrowers may transfer balances to zero-interest credit cards. Many credit cards offer teaser zero-percent interest rates, encouraging customers to transfer their high-interest balances to these zero-percent cards. However, borrowers who transfer balances must make sure to make payments on time, and to keep current with their payments. Otherwise, the teaser interest rate will be erased, and will climb to a much higher percentage.

Another choice for borrowers is the debt consolidation loan. Borrowers may take out a personal, unsecured loan (meaning no collateral) to pay off their high-interest debt. To be sure they are getting the best deals, borrowers should calculate their interest and fees on all of their credit card accounts, to guarantee that the consolidation loan actually lowers their rates.

Any method for consolidating debts will require borrowers to do research. Borrowers should compare their options, and choose the option with the cheapest interest rate, the best amount of risk, and the most feasible repayment term. Borrowers must obtain multiple quotes for HELOCs, HELs, credit cards, and personal loans, before making a final choice.

Seventy percent of people end up with the same debt load after two years of consolidation. This means that borrowers should only take out loans if they are at the end of their credit rope, and if they?re sure that they?ll be more disciplined. Borrowers must not feed the reckless spending and careless repayment tendencies, which got them into trouble in the first place.

Borrowers do not have to have stellar credit to obtain loans for debt consolidation. Borrowers simply have to choose lenders who specialize in servicing customers who have a poor credit history. Borrowers have many options for attacking their financial troubles, including tapping home equity, transferring credit card balances, and obtaining consolidation loans.

Having debt issues? We specialize in Debt relief Sydney and Debt relief St. John?s services to help you resolve any credit issues you may have.


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Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's That Time of Year Again? ? Bryn Mawr College Fencing Club

Need support?

The Bryn Mawr Fencing Club is selling black sports bras with ?Bryn Mawr Supports Women? printed on them in yellow ink.

They are comfortable, practical, and support the Bryn Mawr Fencing Club!

If you want one, fill out the order form below and return it with 20 dollars to Carolyn Jacoby, Box C-307.

Thanks for your support!

The BMC Fencing Club is selling sports bras with ?BRYN MAWR SUPPORTS WOMEN? written on them. They are black with gold lettering and cost $20.00 each. They come in small (shirt/dress size 0-4, chest size 31-33?), medium (shirt/dress size 4-8, chest size 34-36?), large (shirt/dress size 8-10, chest size 37-39), and X-large (shirt/dress size 10-12, chest size 39-41?).

NAME__________________________EMAIL ADDRESS__________________________
NUMBER OF BRAS DESIRED_________________ SIZE___________________
TOTAL AMOUNT_______________

Please return this slip with cash or check through campus mail to Carolyn Jacoby, Box C-307 by Friday, September 30th. Cash is preferable, but please make checks out to Lydia Bello with ?Fencing Club Fundraiser? on the memo line.

September 25 2011 02:51 pm | fundraising

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Top Online Internet Marketing Techniques: The Top 5 Ways to Sell ...

Top Online Internet Marketing Techniques: The Top 5 Ways to Sell and Promote Your Expertise Online

After years of experience in the business and marketing industries, the skills and top online internet marketing techniques that myself and other business owners have learned become highly sought after by many other people. ?Learning to share, promote and spread your expertise as an expert in your industry is an important part of not only establishing yourself as a true leader in your field but also an excellent way to attract even more people for long-lasting business partnerships.

So what are some of the top online internet marketing techniques that you can use to position yourself as an expert and sell your expertise online? ?Read on to learn the top strategies and tactics that I use to build a massively successful business online.

Top Online Internet Marketing Techniques- 5 Top Ways to Promote Your Expertise Online:

1. Newsletters and Email Marketing: One of the top online internet marketing techniques that you should use to showcase yourself as a leader is an email newsletter. ?A newsletter is something that you can use not only keep in touch with your customer base and share news about your company, products and services but that you can also use to share tips periodically to help educate your customers on issues related to your industry. ?This will help to show that you are a person of value, with important and helpful information to share. ?Remember, that as an expert, you gained a knowledge and level of expertise that people want and are ready and willing to pay for. ?And a newsletter is an excellent way to remind people of exactly who you are and what you have to offer!

2. Articles and E-Books: Yet another one of the top online internet marketing techniques that you can utilize to sell your expertise online would be through writing articles and eventually an e-book that you can sell through a website or blog. ?Just think for a moment about what you know and the skills you have learned as an entrepreneur. ?How could your expertise be converted into either a series of helpful, how-to articles or even a short e-book? ?Remember, that your expertise is valuable and people are hungry to learn what you already know. ?And articles and e-books are an excellent way to sell your expertise and build your brand as an expert and person of value. ?Here is more Free Information on How to Write an eBook.


4- ?Webinars and Web Classes: If you really want to sell your expertise online, then another great idea for top online internet marketing techniques would be to teach an online seminar; also known as a web class or webinar. ?This would be where you charge people to listen to you teach about an important subject or skill that your target market wants to learn about. ?You can use tools from sites such as GotoWebinar to set up a simple webinar where you teach and show a power-point presentation and then take live questions.

5. Coaching and Consulting: Another one of the top online internet marketing techniques that you should use is to offer your expertise through consulting and coaching services; mentoring up-and-coming entrepreneurs, clients or business start-ups to learn the skills that you have worked so hard to perfect.

Remember that if you want to properly sell your expertise online and attract the right audience to you, you will need to learn to build an effective online brand and Identity. ?It will be important to learn to use the top online internet marketing techniques to be able to stand out as an expert and leader in your field and drive qualified customers to you and your websites, so that you don?t waste your time doing the wrong thing by placing your marketing efforts in the wrong places.

The Best Place to Learn the Top Online Internet Marketing Techniques:

In order to sell and promote your expertise the right way online it will be crucial that you enroll in an online marketing education program such as the Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching center in order to be trained and equipped in all the most important skills and strategies for online success.

Keep in mind that when learning to build an online presence, there is a right way and a wrong way to do things and it will be important that everything you do helps to showcase yourself in a positive manner by reinforcing your brand and online identity. ?You will want to be sure every marketing campaign that you create will also rank well on google and the right internet marketing mentoring and coaching center will be able to teach you to incorporate specific techniques such as keyword research and search engine optimization in order to ensure that all your campaigns will rank well and be found by your desired target audience.

Next, continue seeing more of the Top Online Internet Marketing Techniques that you can start using now to sell and promote your expertise online; fill in the form on the first page, follow the instructions that will be sent to your email and the watch the videos on step #2 and 3 of the second page to start learning more of the most effective methods of Online Marketing that you can use to promote your business and expertise today!

Shawn Stoik is an?Online Marketing Coach, Mentor and Corporate Trainer for what is arguably the World?s Largest?Internet Marketing School available today, The? Internet Marketing Mentoring and Coaching Center. ?Shawn and his wife?train both Total Beginners and Seasoned?Entrepreneurs around the world to achieve Financial Freedom through proven business tactics and?On-Going Education to stay ahead of the trends and remain competitive in the marketplace today.

For more information go to ?fill in the form on the first page, follow the steps sent to your email and then watch the videos on step 2 and 3 of the second page to start seeing more of the Top Online Marketing Strategies that you can start using today to market and promote your business more effectively today!


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Full Sail Graduate Comes Home After 20 Years | SPORT LIVE ...

Full Sail Graduate Comes Home After 20 Years

Winter Park, FL (PRWEB) September 10, 2006

Today after 20 years, Full Sail Real World Education welcomed back accomplished Recording Arts graduate, Mark Hagen. Hagen has achieved incomparable success with credits on over one hundred albums by a variety of leading musical artists.

Full Sail was founded in 1979, and Hagen is one of the early graduates who helped to blaze a trail within the recording studio scene. His career has earned him credits with some of the biggest artists in the industry such as: Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Tim McGraw, Diana Ross, Richard Marx, Ringo Starr, Barbra Streisand, Keith Urban, Faith Hill, and many more.

Hagen has served as an Assistant Engineer on many projects for nearly 15 years in Los Angeles and Nashville, and through the past seven years, he has earned his way into the Recording Engineer?s seat. His most recent efforts include work on Rascal Flats? album, ?Me and My Gang,? Faith Hill?s album, ?Fireflies? and Carrie Underwood?s album, ?Some Hearts.?

?We are all very excited to welcome Mark back to campus and celebrate his incredible success,? said Jay Noble, Director of Alumni Relations. ?Full Sail has reached many milestones and has grown significantly in the past 20 years. We are proud that one of our early graduates has made it so far and continues to strive.?

Since 1979, Full Sail Real World Education, a college outside of Orlando, FL, has been an innovative educational leader for those pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. With over 23,000 alumni, graduate credits include work on Oscar and GRAMMY-winning projects, best-selling video games, and the #1 grossing world tour six out of the last six years. Full Sail?s 91-acre campus proudly welcomes over 5,000 students from all 50 states and 37 countries worldwide. Currently, Full Sail offers degrees in the following disciplines: Computer Animation, Digital Arts & Design, Entertainment Business, Film, Game Development, Recording Arts, and Show Production & Touring.

Students experience a ?real world? education, with a professional class structure of 8-12 hours per day, and a 24-hour round-the-clock schedule which earned Full Sail the ?Most Innovative Program? Award by the Florida Association of Postsecondary Schools and Colleges. Full Sail has also been named one of the top three entertainment media colleges by Shift Magazine alongside the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (No. 1) and New York University (No. 2); Electronic Gaming Monthly named Full Sail one of the Top Five Game Degree Programs in the world; Rolling Stone Magazine recently named Full Sail one of the ?Best Music Programs? in the country, in addition to one of the ?Best Music Business Departments? in the Schools That Rock: The Rolling Stone College Guide, and UNleashed Magazine has named Full Sail one of the Best Film Programs in the country.

For more information, please visit:


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Deadly typhoon leaves Japan; nuclear plant intact (AP)

TOKYO ? The second major typhoon in a month made its way out of Japan on Thursday after triggering landslides and floods that left at least 16 people dead or missing but sparing a crippled nuclear plant from major damage.

There had been concerns that Typhoon Roke could pose more problems for the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, which was sent into meltdown by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, but officials said the plant weathered the storm without major incident.

Hiroki Kawamata, spokesman for plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co., said several cameras set up to monitor the plant were damaged, but there had been no further leaks of radioactive water or material into the environment.

"We are seeing no problems so far," he said.

Police and local media reported 16 people dead or missing because of the storm, most swept away by rivers swollen with rains in the southern and central regions. One person died in a landslide in northern Iwate prefecture and two people were swept away in Sendai in the northeast.

The typhoon made landfall Wednesday afternoon near the city of Hamamatsu, about 125 miles (200 kilometers) west of Tokyo, and then cut a path to the northeast and through the capital before bringing new misery to the tsunami zone. It dumped up to 17 inches (42 centimeters) of rain in some areas, triggering landslides and flooding.

By midafternoon Thursday, the system had weakened to a tropical storm and had moved out to sea past Japan's northern island of Hokkaido, which was not hit as hard as the main island of Honshu the day before.

On Wednesday, hundreds of tsunami survivors in government shelters in the Miyagi state town of Onagawa were forced to evacuate for fear of flooding. The storm set off landslides in parts of Miyagi that already were hit by the March disasters. The local government requested the help of defense troops, and dozens of schools canceled classes.

Strong winds snapped power lines in many areas, and officials said more than 200,000 households in central Japan were without electricity.

Overnight in Tokyo, where many rush hour trains were suspended for hours, thousands of commuters got stuck at stations across the sprawling city and stood in long lines for buses and cabs.

Fire department officials reported three people injured in Tokyo, but other than the inconvenience of transportation gridlock and winds that made it difficult to walk around the city, the storm passed through without incident.

Heavy rains prompted floods and caused road damage earlier in dozens of locations in Nagoya and several other cities, the Aichi prefectural government said. More than 200 domestic flights were canceled.

A typhoon that slammed Japan earlier this month left about 90 people dead or missing.


Associated Press writer Mari Yamaguchi contributed to this report.


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Business Travel - Reasons To Opt For Apartments for Rent | Akarak ...

Travelling abroad for business is at all the times a rough experience since business folks spend most of their time in airplanes, hotels, business meetings and conferences but not enjoying themselves visiting places of interest a just like any common tourist would do.

With the advancement of such counties like Ukraine the quantity of vacationers visiting this country and Kiev mainly is tremendously increased including business persons who are at all the times looking for ways to decrease stress during such journeys since they are going to be working away from home. One of such ways would be renting an apartment during business trip instead of staying in hotels. This is an ideal choice for business travellers for quite a few reasons.

First of all, apartments for rent in Kiev offer corporate travellers their individual private space so that they can carry their work without any kind of disturbance if there is a requirement to do so. Obviously you won?t be able to have such confidentiality in hotels since you are going to be continually troubled by either room service or waiters and other hotel staff.

The rooms in such apartments are fully fitted including Wi-Fi connectivity a high quality TV and all the necessary appliances one might need to cook a meal which might help one save quite a substantial amount of money.

Once you are done with your meetings you are able to spend great time in this beautiful city enjoying various amazing places of sightseeing or enjoying a glass of wine with some fine food in you apartment. Kiev is known all over the world for its rich culture, generous and hospitable people, many astonishing ancient architectural buildings and modern constructions. So if you are going to be travelling to Kiev on business please consider renting apartments for rent in order to both save money as well as get that a feel-like-at-home feeling!

Looking for Kiev apartments? Get your discount and rent a flat in Kiev right now.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Some Sensible Suggestions for Leasing a Private Jet | Relaxing ...

If you need to rent a private plane, you need to determine your travel date and destination, pick which kind of aircraft you want to lease, think of what services you would want to be integrated in your flight, look for air charter companies, examine quotations, and choose a company with exceptional security report and also standing.

Renting a private aircraft is the perfect traveling choice if you want to travel in comfort and also in style on your own business or perhaps leisure trips. Even though renting an air charter New York plane could be very pricey, there are in fact many advantages you could appreciate when traveling privately. In contrast to commercial flights, leasing a private aircraft provides you with complete hold of your flying schedule, liberates you from difficulties of lengthy safety lines, flies you around your destination, serves you in-flight catering meals, and enables you to use the amenities of the airplane such as various leisure and telecommunication mediums. If you?re planning on renting a private jet, just follow these guidelines:

Choose your journey date and destination

The first thing you should do is to select your journey destination and date. The air charter rental company will inquire you these trip information when you make your reservation.

Select what type of airplane you want to rent

There are various sizes and shapes of charter planes. You should choose one that?s good for your needs and also accommodate the quantity of people that?ll be traveling with you. Small private planes can just carry four to six individuals, while medium-sized aircrafts can have up to nine passengers. Opt for full-sized planes if you are travelling with more than 12 people.

Think of what services you wish to be included in your airline flight

You should also need to consider the services and facilities you wish in your own flight. You might decide to include use of plasma televisions or any other entertainment systems, premium meals, phone use and more. Nevertheless, you must know that you will have to pay extra fees for some of these services.

Search for air charter agencies

Check out local listings or research the Internet for air charter rental corporations in your area. Check out their website or visit their office to ask for quotations and what in-flight programs they?re offering. You may want to give them information about your journey like the destination, air travel date and quantity of passenger so that they can give you a precise quote of their services.

Compare quotes

Quotes may differ from one firm to another. Hence, prior to deciding to hire an aircraft from a certain firm, it will be best if you examine their estimates from other air charter leasing companies in your town. You might be able to find a company which provides excellent variety of services at a less costly price, or perhaps get last-minute offers or special deals and save lots of money.

Select a corporation having good security report and reputation

In order to further narrow down the options of rental corporations, add status and security record in your standards. Only hire the services of a firm with excellent standing. Request recommendations and have direct opinions regarding their services from their past customers. Additionally, safety must also be considered when renting private jets. Your chosen company should have great aviation safety records and well-experienced aircraft pilots.

The services supplied by private planes are not cheap. Therefore, you must be financially prepared before you decide on acquiring their services.

Written by Zeta C. Donairee. For more information on the services supplied by new york air charter agencies, go to


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Girls Health And Fitness Classes Are A Thriving Enterprise | Social ...


For women who live turn ample more unwavering of their bodies and have in use in more physically action. There are exercise lessons that are especially written for ladies at many organisation centers and aptness gyms. Most of these classes offer you programs that complement adaptableness and upgrade cardiovascular function. A couple of of the more renouned programs enclose Pilates, yoga, calm spinning, stepping, and dancing.

One reason that women might have been not wanting to experience in classes for example weight practice is that they could presumably be anxious about building muscle tissues. Many women might be upset that they will beginning substantiating considerable biceps together with leg muscles. But this isn?t the case.

Although there are countless veteran womanlike body builders who do truly obtain exceedingly conspicuous muscle tissues, they examination especially is to world bodybuilding competition.

Women?s weight practice might help tinge the body and give more clarification for you to muscles without enhancing and adding big bulk.

If you instruct to figure out how to soak up a few great muscle building and weight practice techniques in to your earthy aptness routine, examine out the village gym in your area and learn a veteran instructor. They can teach you how to use the collection properly, and emanate protected and scold techniques to help you understand your aptness goals.

Even even though diet and exercise are critical to a strong lifestyle, The Mind will be the link that can confirm the state of our illness along with our body. Utilizing your brain in such Meditative Methods as Yoga, Chi Gong, and subconscious messaging, you are able to select a trail concerning smallest insurgency and fix up an middle balance that promotes health. Without great health, your head cannot function; with out a strong mind, our bodies is exposed to disease; thus, any part relies on the other for max health.

If your aim is weight loss, you?d ought to cut out 3,Five hundred calories in their diet system of administration to remove a pound. Thats Five-hundred calories per day. Which doesn?t appear similar to a lot, however when you obviously put it in to practice, it?s tougher than you think. In addition, eating reduction will make a few people?s metabolic rate slow so they still do not slim down. In comparison, jogging at the reasonable gait can simply erupt 740 calories any hour! Plus, working out generates muscle pile and can erupt up more calories from rotund whilst you?re only lounging around.

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Posted by pasarloak on Sep 19 2011. Filed under Gadget, Hot Product. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Louisville CO ? A Great Place To Live According To CNN Money ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]September 22, 2011 | Author: robertsteinhall | Posted in Travel and Leisure. Louisville Colorado is a small ... This town is known for its great commitment to community, its stable job market and its love for the great outdoors. Residents were not ...


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Troy Davis maintains his innocence until the end (Providence Journal)

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Best Home Based Business Ideas ? Top 10 Ideas For Getting Big ...

Despite the fact that the hardest part of obtaining began on the web is discovering the correct business, every single profitable company owner starts with somebody coming up with the appropriate business concept at the appropriate time. So you just have to be alert while locating one such enterprise for you and the greatest property based organization suggestions to get success online. See that you select the opportunities on the world wide web that have reputation. Right after beginning in the beginning, you can stick to what?is working?for your enterprise owner. But it is a very good concept to test your company by doing some analysis and attempting new strategies on your own for taking your enterprise to greater earning levels.

There are two categories in general: Folks who fail to make funds on the internet and those who are productive. Most of the people fail simply because of the lack of planning and skills. Convenience is the primary reason why people?are diverted towards surfing on the net.?Survey shows that the kind of the goods that sell very best on the web are those that either increases information or fulfill?customer requirements.? Hence the success of your enterprise will depend upon selection of the proper product or service that will?provide wanting advantages to the customers.

Here are the?best house based organization ideas?that can help you to fall into the category of successful folks:

1. Construct a theme oriented web site having various organization choices for opportunity seekers in general.

2. Discover a niche and target markets where folks are spending income.

three. If you don?t have your own item, join affiliate programs and sell other peoples product.

4.Uncover the residence based organization entrepreneurs who have encounter, so that you can use their recommendations efficiently.

5. Write review of items which includes their positive aspects by creating pre selling web pages, as people go on the web looking for data before buying goods.

6. Add a sign up form to your pre selling internet pages and promise to give freebies to those who will give their name and email addresses. This will support you to develop your large list of subscribers.

7. Supply helpful on-line details to the visitors by writing articles. This will enhance meaningful traffic to your site on a consistent basis.

8. Dedicate more time to recruit prospects, as most of the men and women in your downline are?not?going to do anything. Only those that are severe will contact you.

9. Assist your downline to construct their own program.

10. Add several income streams to your web site to make certain that your monthly income continue to grow.

Unless you have the?best property based company ideas?to know from where to begin and how to dominate, it is tough to set a good foundation for your organization.?If you?re still searching for a good enterprise on the internet, then pick up the appropriate company for you without having wasting time, depending on your passion. ?To start with uncover one that fits your talent and your budget. Know your audience and stick to it. The sooner you do, the sooner you will be on your way to get what you want in life.


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Bachmann says vaccine retardation claim not hers

Republican presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., speaks during a plant tour at Sukup Manufacturing, Monday, Sept. 19, 2011, in Sheffield. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Republican presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., speaks during a plant tour at Sukup Manufacturing, Monday, Sept. 19, 2011, in Sheffield. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

(AP) ? Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann said Monday she was not arguing that a vaccine intended to prevent cervical cancer caused mental retardation when she repeated the scientifically unfounded claim last week.

The Minnesota congresswoman said she was relaying what a distraught woman told her after a GOP presidential debate in Florida in which Bachmann criticized rival Rick Perry for ordering the vaccine in Texas.

"All I was doing is relaying what a woman had said," Bachmann told The Associated Press after touring a manufacturer in Waterloo. "I relayed what she said. I wasn't attesting to her accuracy. I wasn't attesting to anything."

During the debate, Bachmann accused Perry, the governor of Texas, of abusing his authority by signing a 2007 executive order requiring school-age girls to be vaccinated against human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease that can cause cancer. After the debate, she described an encounter with a woman she says approached her.

"There's a woman who came up crying to me tonight after the debate. She said her daughter was given that vaccine," Bachmann said on Fox News. "She told me her daughter suffered mental retardation as a result. There are very dangerous consequences."

Perry said he erred by not seeking legislative approval but stood by the aim of preventing cancer. Campaigning in Iowa last week, he said Bachmann's comment after the debate was unwise "when she had no scientific backing, to say the very least."

Bachmann has criticized Perry in recent weeks, in hopes of reviving her struggling presidential bid. His entry into the race in mid-August halted her ascent after she had won the Iowa Straw Poll, an important test vote. The state's presidential caucuses begin the nominating process.

In Sheffield on Monday, Bachmann criticized Perry's opposition to building a fence on the U.S.-Mexican border and his support for in-state tuition benefits for children of illegal immigrants.

"I do not believe that American taxpayers should be subsidizing benefits for people who are in this country illegally or for their children," she said.

Bachmann was visiting manufacturing plants in northern Iowa to emphasize the issue of jobs. She found herself answering questions from reporters about comments by her former campaign manager, Ed Rollins. Rollins said Monday that Bachmann had little capacity to compete beyond Iowa, compared to Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, if she did not do well in the state's caucuses.

"She doesn't have the ability or resources to go beyond Iowa at this point in time, where Perry and Romney, with lots of money, can go into South Carolina, Arizona, Florida and other places," Rollins told MSNBC.

Bachmann, who was scheduled to campaign Tuesday in Des Moines, said she is focused on Iowa. She declined to say whether she could compete beyond Iowa should she fail to win the caucuses.

"Iowa is our top priority and we intend to win Iowa," she told the AP.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

SEC probes trading before U.S. rating cut: report

(Reuters) - Securities regulators have sent subpoenas to hedge funds and other trading firms as it probes possible insider trading before the U.S. government's long-term credit rating was cut last month, the Wall Street Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) officials demanded more information about specific trades made shortly before Standard & Poor's downgraded the country's rating to AA-plus from AAA on August 5, the paper said.

SEC officials are zeroing in on firms that bet the stock market would tumble, the Journal said.

It is unclear which investment firms are being investigated, but the subpoenas are unusually broad, seeking information about why certain trades were made, a person told the Journal. An SEC spokesman declined to comment to the Journal.

SEC could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside regular U.S. business hours.

(Reporting by Sakthi Prasad in Bangalore; Editing by Kavita Chandran)

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